New CMS at camera and lighting system manufacturer ARRI

Tallence AG successfully migrates from CoreMedia 10 to 12 in just 4 months

Highlights, Tech // Lilian Samorin // Oct 22, 2024

Together with ARRI, we have reached a milestone: we have successfully introduced the latest version of the CoreMedia 12 content management system (CMS) at ARRI, the renowned manufacturer of camera and lighting systems (for the film, television, media and entertainment industries) (see also: ARRI Rental). 

But what makes this project so special?

A special kind of version jump

The change from CoreMedia 10 to CoreMedia 12 was a big version jump that presented us with challenges, but that's exactly what made it so special. ARRI was one of the first CoreMedia customers to make the leap from version 2107.8 to version 2406.0.1. For ARRI, this meant moving from a familiar but outdated system into a new world. We have removed legacy issues from the old system and replaced them with modern standards - efficiently and future-proof.

CoreMedia 12 is accompanied by significant technical innovations that not only increase security, but also improve user-friendliness. A central component was the upgrade to Java 17 and Spring Boot 3.3, which brought the platform up to the latest state of the art. In addition, a major technology upgrade from Vue2 to Vue3 was implemented in the front end.

The technical migration from the old CoreMedia 10 to CoreMedia 12 was also a major step for ARRI: the conversion of the studio from ActionScript to TypeScript was a challenge, but one that our team successfully mastered. In addition, the Rich Text Editor was also updated and now offers far more features than before.

4 months until go-live

The changeover to the new version was realised within four months in close cooperation with our customer ARRI. Regular and transparent dialogue was the key to success. We also actively supported the test phase to ensure a smooth transition.

One highlight of the project was the automated synchronisation of the live site (CoreMedia 10) with the new test environment in CoreMedia 12, for which we developed our own tool based on Selenium to ensure pixel-perfect synchronisation of the old system with the new system. This ensured that all content and functions of over 5,000 pages were seamlessly transferred without any compromises.

‘An upgrade is always associated with effort, so we first had to find the right time for it. With Tallence as our development partner, we were able to realise the project on time and are now delighted that our websites are on the latest version of CoreMedia.’

Daniela Schmidt, Web Content Manager and PO CoreMedia Upgrade at ARRI

The technical basis: AWS and interfaces

ARRI relies on running CoreMedia in AWS and pursues the continuous optimisation of the overall system with dependencies to other applications, such as the CRM, the career portal or the event portal. Thanks to the great work of our development team, we were able to smoothly integrate all links into the new system and thus ensure a seamless connection.

Strong together

‘Make Things Happen Together and Create Value in the Digital Landscape" - that is our mission. Together with ARRI, we planned and implemented the switch to the new version. Our experts in the field of CMS systems were not only able to contribute their technical expertise, but also further expand our existing trusting partnership with ARRI. We are proud to be part of ARRI's digital transformation and to continue to accompany them on their journey into a modern CMS future.

‘With Tallence at our side, we were able to successfully implement the upgrade to CoreMedia 12 - both on time and on budget. A decisive factor in the success of the project was the trusting cooperation on an equal footing. A project like this always comes with the odd surprise. But as a team, together with Tallence, we faced these with determination and found creative and suitable solutions. A great team effort!’ 

Evi Bader, Head of Online Marketing at ARRI

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Lisa Heinz

  • Head of Digital Experience