Workshops for Digital Solutions

Unlock Creativity. Innovate Boldly. Transform Your Future.

Unleash your innovative power with our Tallence workshops!

Immerse yourself in the world of creative thinking and be inspired by our practical workshops. 
Discover new perspectives, develop ground-breaking ideas and shape the future of your company.

Out of passivity - into active design.

Instead of ten people staring at a screen, we focus on interactive and creative collaboration. Our workshops transform passive spectators into active creators and bring your ideas to life.

Dynamic and analog workshops for groundbreaking digital results.

Analog workshops are our tool of choice for overcoming challenges, solving problems and driving innovative developments in cross-functional teams. Together, we create solutions that really count. 
The path to a digital solution often leads via the analog workshop because it enables intensive and direct cooperation. In a physical environment, ideas can be visualized quickly, prototypes can be designed together and tested immediately. 
Out-of-the-box thinking is not created by applying the same working patterns. With our alternative approaches, we tickle creativity and create tomorrow's digital innovations today.

Let's create great things together!

We look forward to getting in touch with you and breaking new ground together. Our Tallence experts from the fields of user experience, strategy, DevOps, custom development and telecommunications are at your side to turn ideas into action.

Our Offer

Tallence has developed different workshop formats for you, which allow you an uncomplicated entry into the world of creative collaboration thanks to the gradations.

We start with the Kick Off, for an easy and low-threshold introduction, via Fast Forward, where initial solutions are developed together. With the Deep Dive, we dive deep into specific topics and structures in order to gain well-founded insights that serve us for the development of a functional prototype. Our Customised Workshop is particularly highly personalized, where we focus specifically on your unique requirements and ideas.

Kick Off - The starting signal for your idea!

In a compact format, we enable you to develop answers to a specific question. Perfect for generating momentum, unleashing new ideas and strengthening team cohesion.

What you can expect:

  • 1 preparation call: coordination of the content with our experts
  • 1-day workshop: we provide a basic understanding of our methodological approach and the design thinking mindset, generate initial creative ideas and develop a basic concept or solution sketch. 
  • Organization: preparation of the location, materials and methods
  • Moderation: professional support during the workshop from our Tallence experts
  • Follow-up: summaries and dispatch of materials

€ 6,000,-

> Enquire now

Fast Forward - Solutions to take away

Tailored to your specific challenges, we analyze your situation together and create the space to establish a common understanding of the challenge. We then develop practical solutions that can be integrated directly into your day-to-day work.

This format is ideal for rethinking projects, defining MVPs or clearly outlining the scope of your project and thus setting the course for your projects.

What you can expect:

  • 2 preparation calls: precise coordination of the content with our experts
  • 2-day workshop: we provide an in-depth understanding of the design thinking process and mindset. Our participants gain the ability to apply this methodology independently in future challenges. In an intensive process from problem definition to idea generation, we work together to develop an MVP concept.
  • Optional: individual support from our Tallence experts, tailored to your topic

    Organization, moderation and follow-up: as in the kick-off workshop, also part of this offer.

€ 9,500,-

> Enquire now

Deep Dive - Analyze, Innovate, Prototype, Repeat!

Within 3 days, we will embark on your company's transformation journey: together we will identify, analyze and develop concrete solutions, which we will immediately test and develop further.

Failure is allowed. This is the only way we learn and improve.

Our iterative working method, based on design thinking, helps us to stay focused and return to our everyday work with prototypes.

What you can expect:

  • 3 preparation calls: precise coordination of the content with our Tallence experts
  • 3-day workshop: we teach in-depth knowledge of rapid prototyping and the design thinking process so that you can apply these methods in your own projects. Together we develop functional prototypes that can be tested in a real environment. 
  • Optional: individual support from our Tallence experts, tailored to your topic
  • Prototype development: creation of a tangible prototype
  • Clear doings and actions: concrete steps and measures for integrating the results into everyday working life

Organization, moderation and follow-up: as in the kick-off workshop, also part of this offer. 

€ 14,000,-

> Enquire now

Customised Workshops - Tailor-made & Individual

We offer highly personalised workshops for your unique challenges. Together we agree on the scope of the preparation and follow-up work, determine the desired level of solution and design the entire workshop according to your needs.

Even if you are not yet sure which format suits you best: contact us and we will be happy to advise you on the best way to achieve your goals.

Individual pricing

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Which format is right for you?

We will be happy to advise you on your ideas and wishes and respond to your individual needs. Write to us here:

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Our promise

  • We focus on interactivity and creativity to find solutions.
  • Our mindset comes from the “Design Thinking” method: we use the tools, but do not tie ourselves to them.
  • Our understanding is to get you out of your daily work routine and release new ideas through collaboration.
  • Thanks to Tallence AG's large network, we can consult our experts on topics in a planned manner and also at short notice or bring them in to work on content.
  • We keep the energy level high! Fun & work is an obligatory combination for us. 


We look forward to your inquiry!

Request your favorite workshop here or let us discuss your needs in a personal meeting.

Profilbild von Caroline

// Contact

Caroline Starnitzky

  • Consultant
Profilbild von Frederike

// Contact

Frederike Haupt

  • Product Manager

Our references & publications:

As the creative head of our team, Caroline is responsible for the organization and composition of the workshops. With training in design thinking and several years of experience in this field as well as in software development and consulting, she always finds the right tools and ways to get closer to the goal.

Frederike takes on the role of critical questioner and helps to translate functional and technical requirements so that cross-functional communication can work. Digital transformation is paired here with experience from all industries and solved problems in start-ups and small companies, right up to large corporations.

Here you will find a selection of our publications to get to know us a little better. 


  • What is the main aim of the Tallence workshops?

    Our Tallence workshops offer a quick introduction to idea development, practical solutions and the opportunity to develop functional prototypes. The main aim is to generate innovative solutions and drive digital projects forward effectively. The path via analog techniques is of central importance here. In a physical space, ideas can be visualized quickly, prototypes can be made tangible with simple tools - such as paper, pens or even Lego - and tested directly. This “hands-on” approach creates an immediate connection to the solution, which often remains more abstract in digital processes.

    The advantage of these analog methods lies in their speed and flexibility. The teams can exchange ideas spontaneously, implement feedback directly and develop them further together. The results are immediately visible and tangible - e.g. in the form of physical prototypes, such as initial models of a product, sketches for user interfaces or wireframes for an app. Process flows and user journeys can also be visualized so that you can immediately see how a customer or user would interact with the solution. These tangible results provide an important basis on which digital solutions can be further developed in a targeted manner. 


  • How do the preparatory calls work?

    The preparatory calls are an essential part of a successful workshop. Depending on the scope and objectives of the workshop, these calls can have different focuses. It is important that all relevant information and expectations are clarified so that the workshop can be carried out efficiently and purposefully. Incorporating design thinking methods requires thorough preparation to ensure that all phases of the process can be implemented effectively.


  • Which methods are used in the workshops?

    We primarily use design thinking and rapid prototyping to develop innovative solutions and drive digital projects forward efficiently.

    Design thinking is a user-centered innovation method that focuses on people's needs. We go through various phases in a structured process: from a deep understanding of the problem to brainstorming and the iterative development of solutions. We rely on interdisciplinary collaboration and creative techniques to gain new perspectives and find unconventional approaches. The aim is to design solutions that are not only innovative, but also practical and user-friendly.

    Rapid prototyping enables us to create initial prototypes quickly and test them in the shortest possible time. Instead of working on theoretical concepts for a long time, we immediately develop tangible, simple models - whether in the form of paper, digital wireframes or clickable demos. These prototypes help us to quickly visualize ideas, collect feedback and continuously improve the solution. This results in a functional design in a short space of time, which forms the basis for the subsequent digital implementation.

    With their many years of experience in applying these methods, our Tallence experts are the perfect companions on your transformation journey and ensure that each phase is effective and targeted.


  • What results can be expected from the workshops?

    The results of our workshops are based on the individual goals that we define together in the preparatory calls. Using the design thinking approach in the digital environment, we create implementable solutions that offer both short-term and strategic benefits. Typical results include

    • Personas: elaborated user profiles that represent your target groups and their needs.
    • Customer journey maps: Visualized representations of customer experiences to identify optimization opportunities.
    • Wireframes: Initial visual models and rough drafts to represent the structure and functionality of a solution. These can range from a simple sketch to interactive click dummies and simulate a realistic user experience. 
    • MVP concept: A mature concept that depicts the core functionality of a digital product or service and serves as the basis for a development project. 
    • Identification of fields of action: Specific areas where improvements, innovations or investments are needed.
    • Strategic roadmaps: Long-term plans for putting ideas into practice. 
    • Follow-up projects and next steps: Clear definition of further measures, projects and resources for the sustainable implementation of the workshop results.


  • How big should the teams participating in the workshops be?

    The workshops are designed for small to medium-sized teams to enable intensive collaboration (5-15 people). If you are a larger group, we will also find a solution.


  • What are the workshops suitable for?

    Our workshops are suitable for various scenarios, including

    • Kick-off: team building, project kick-off, brainstorming, initial concept outline.
    • Fast Forward: Optimization of existing processes, definition of project scopes, concrete MVP concept for further refinement, roadmap and action points.
    • Deep Dive: Development of functional prototypes, solution of complex challenges, strategies and measures for integration into everyday working life.


  • What topics can be covered in the workshops?

    In our Tallence workshops, numerous topics can be dealt with that revolve around various aspects of digitalization. Tallence focuses on supporting companies not only with technical solutions, but also with a holistic strategy. This includes the complete digitalization of processes, the development of new digital business models and the optimization of customer interfaces. Our Tallence experts from the fields of UX, strategy, DevOps. Individual Development and Telecommunications are at your side to provide you with the best possible support on your transformation journey.


  • How and why can Tallence support me?

    Tallence offers you valuable support not only during the workshop, but also beyond. If it becomes clear during or after the workshop that we can continue to work together, we look forward to implementing follow-up projects together.

    Thanks to our broad expertise and many years of experience in various industries, we support companies of all sizes - from small and medium-sized enterprises to global corporations - to drive innovative and successful projects together with you.  

    • DevOps and software development, for customized software solutions in various programming languages to optimally meet your individual requirements.
    • Telecommunications, cloud & e-mobility, to support you with industry-specific challenges.
    • User Journeys & Accessibility, for the development and optimization of end-to-end customer experiences, and the consideration of high accessibility standards 
    • Digital Transformation, to support the transition to digital processes to future-proof your organization.

    Our goal is to develop sustainable solutions that not only help you in the short term, but also strategically.