Communication Platform

From E-mail to Voice Mail to Cross-Media

In the constantly changing telco market, we help to implement modern communication solutions for e-mail and voice. Our portfolio includes carrier-grade e-mail solutions as well as voice solutions for voice mail, call completion, intelligent network services (IN services) and customer self-service solutions for the realisation of new product ideas. Either as a completely customised development for special customer requirements or, for example, based on our product THOR, the flexible and highly efficient communication platform for voicemail and IN services, which has been used by some of the largest telcos in Europe for years.

We accompany the development and integrate new AI-based approaches into our solutions, such as AI-based speech recognition, AI translation and much more.

We also provide operational support in meeting the challenges of this era, with customised private cloud solutions without internet access that offer the highest possible level of data security or cost-efficient public cloud solutions through to SaaS models or on premises, i.e. by providing and operating communication solutions directly in the company's infrastructure. 

Voice is the Keyword: Let's talk!

Tallence is your partner, whether on premises, public cloud, private cloud or as SaaS.

Carriergrade Voice based Communication Services

We offer intelligent and cost-effective solutions for our customers' challenges. Where IP multimedia subsystems (IMS) end, we begin to play to our strengths. Cross-media flows, voice processing and voice-related dialogue systems, enriched with artificial intelligence, play a role in all areas of network architecture.

  • In the broad field of communication services, we combine tools and services from IN-Services and Call Completion.
  • We set up customer systems according to individual requirements and integrate, for example, extended voicemail features with options for visual voicemail, ASR or text-to-speech interaction.
  • We also implement complex IN services such as fixed-mobile convergence solutions and private network features in new or existing systems.
  • We implement the integration of AI services, for example in the area of automated speech processing and AI-supported dialogue systems, for our customers. This opens up new opportunities to create value-added services.

Using our THOR software, we enable IT network operators to independently formulate their call flow with customised and flexible configuration of, for example, voicemail, call distribution, messaging responses and callback options. This is achieved with comprehensive integration options, e.g. REST interfaces and web interfaces for customers, customer care and administration. The ability to combine individual features and converge, which simplifies individual components, accelerates the process of realising new product ideas or replacing existing legacy systems in a cost-efficient manner. Based on Kubernetes, we scale to over 100,000,000 voiceboxes and many millions of transactions. 

Carriergrade E-Mail

Our philosophy stands for flexible technologies and open source solutions that are in no way inferior to the requirements of enterprise providers. We focus on openness and avoid vendor lock-in, cloud usage constraints, unpleasant compromises and costly licences.

Our concepts give our customers the opportunity to operate modern mail infrastructures entirely themselves or, if desired, to retain control over access. Our solutions are always customised to meet individual customer requirements and always offer innovative approaches for greater security and flexibility. Our customers can receive turnkey solutions or build and discuss them with us according to their wishes.

We work with our customers on joint visions for the future. Keywords include AI-based inbox assistants, AI spam detection and comprehensive protection against misuse.

Dovecot Mailserver

We realise efficient and almost infinitely scalable e-mail solutions based on the IMAP server Dovecot, which is available as an open source solution, and can therefore support from 10,000 to 50,000,000 mailboxes - and beyond.

And there's more: we are actively involved in the development of the open source project and many other open source projects and contribute directly to continuous improvement. For example, we develop modules for storage in Blobstorage to make e-mail systems more efficient and cost-effective.

THOR 11, the Swiss army knife of the IMS landscape

THOR connects communication streams across media boundaries. Flexible and efficient! THOR does what existing IMS / MSC cannot do: From parallel ringing to call completion, from customer service solutions to IN features.

No other cross-media platform in Europe processes as many media streams as THOR.

Our customers have been describing the system for years as "incredibly stable and reliable, always up-to-date and with much more than just voice mail".

With its wide range of functions, we can offer our customers comprehensive solutions. Our expertise in the 5G environment from other customer projects complements this perfectly and makes us a competent partner for fixed and mobile solutions.

THOR in Detail

Our industry-leading Kubernetes-based platform offers maximum efficiency, dynamic scaling and innovative features such as visual voicemail - everything you need to take digital services to the next level.

// Contact

Michael Kours

  • Product Manager Voice Messaging